Relationship of the SAW Coatings Composition with the Composition of Fluxes Obtained with Steel Slag and Rice Husk Ashes

Relationship of the SAW Coatings Composition with the Composition of Fluxes Obtained with Steel Slag and Rice Husk Ashes

Keywords: abrasive wear, hardfacing, SAW fluxes, steel slags


Submerged arc welding (SAW) surfacing is frequently applied on parts that work in abrasive wear conditions. The commercial fluxes are obtained from natural minerals. The objective of this work is to establish the relationship between the chemical composition of the deposited alloy by SAW and the composition of the flux, obtained from steel refining slag with the addition of rice husk ashes. Fluxes were obtained by pelletizing, based on a McLean-Anderson type design. With the experimental fluxes deposits were obtained, which were chemically characterized. Empirical models of the elements composition in the deposited metal as funsion of the flux composition were obtained and an optimization process was carried out. It is concluded that the contents of the elements in the deposited metal show a quadratic dependence, the carbon content (C) is ruled by graphite composition in the flux, while the chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn) and silicon (Si) contents are ruled by the FeCrMn content.


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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Najarro Quintero, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi-La Maná

Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the Technical University of Cotopaxi-La Maná. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Technological University of Havana, Cuba. Master of Science from the State Technical University of Quevedo. He is doing his doctoral work in the Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Program of the Central University "Martha Abreu" of Las Villas. Research in the field of development of consumables for refilling by welding to combat wear. He holds a Prize from the Cuban Academy of Sciences. He has been tutor of several Degree Theses. He has led scientific research and extension projects and has held positions of academic responsibilities

Amado Cruz-Crespo, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Titular Professor and Researcher at the Welding Research Center of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV). Ferrous Metallurgical Engineer and Master of Science from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia. Master in Mechanical Engineering "Mention Welding" by the UCLV. Doctor in Technical Sciences from the Mining-Metallurgical Institute of Moa, Cuba. He has made several postdoctoral stays in Brazil and has been Visiting Professor at Universities in Nicaragua, Chile and Brazil. He is a Permanent Member of the Doctoral Tribunal in Technical Sciences for the Specialty of Metallurgy. He is Executive Secretary of the Territorial Program of Industries of the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment of Villa Clara, Cuba. He has been the tutor of several doctoral and master's theses related to the development of ferroalloys and consumables for welding and recharging, the development of alloys and studies of weldability of armor steels. He has led several research projects. He is the author of several invention patents. He holds several awards, including five Annuals from the Cuban Academy of Sciences. He teaches in Materials Science, Welding Metallurgy and Tribology. He is director of the UCLV Welding Research Center.

Lorenzo Perdomo González, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Senior Researcher at the Welding Research Center of the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas (UCLV). Graduated from Chemical Engineer and Master from UCLV. Doctor in Technical Sciences from the Mining-Metallurgical Institute of Moa, Cuba. He has made several postdoctoral stays in Brazil. He is a Permanent Member of the Doctoral Tribunal in Technical Sciences for the Specialty of Metallurgy. He has been the tutor of several doctoral, master and graduate theses, linked to the development of ferroalloys and consumables for recharging. He is the author of several invention patents. He has led several research and technology transfer projects to the industry. He holds several awards, including five Annual Awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences. He teaches undergraduate and graduate degrees in Confronting Corrosion and Tribology.

Alejandro Duffus Scott, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Professor of the Welding Research Center of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV). Graduated with a Bachelor of Physics from the University of Havana. Doctor of Technical Sciences from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He has made several postdoctoral stays in Brazil and has been Visiting Professor at several universities in Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia and Venezuela. He is a Permanent Member of the Doctoral Tribunal in Technical Sciences for the Specialty of Mechanical Engineering. He has been the tutor of several doctoral, master and graduate theses related to Failure Analysis and the characterization of welded joints and metallic structures. He has led several research and technology transfer projects to the industry and has directed the Materials Research Line at UCLV. He holds Annual Awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences, he is a Consultant Professor and Emeritus Professor of the UCLV. He teaches undergraduate and graduate degrees in Materials Science and Engineering, Fracture Mechanics, and Predictive and Diagnostic Technologies. He has held various academic responsibilities, including Head of the Physics department and Director of the Welding Research Center

Geannys Almeida Espinosa, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Master's student at the Welding Research Center of the “Marta Abreu” Central University of Las Villas (UCLV). Graduated in Engineering in Metallurgy and Materials from the University of Moa, Cuba. She works as an engineer in the Technical department of the “Fabrig Aguilar Noriega” Mechanical Plant Company in Santa Clara, Cuba. He carries out his master's work linked to the development of a consumable to combat wear and tear by welding

Marioxy Janeth Morales Torres, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi-La Maná

Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the Technical University of Cotopaxi-La Maná. Graduated as a Doctor of Educational Sciences from the Bicentennial University of Aragua, Venezuela. Magister Scientiae in Control and Automation Engineering from the Universidad de Los Andes Venezuela. She is the author of several scientific articles in high-impact journals. Investigate topics related to the characterization of materials. He teaches in the Electromechanical Engineering Career in the area of Thermal. She has been a tutor of several Degree Theses. He has led scientific research and extension projects and has held positions of academic responsibility


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How to Cite
Najarro Quintero, R., Cruz-Crespo, A., Perdomo González, L., Duffus Scott, A., Almeida Espinosa, G. and Morales Torres, M. J. (2021) “Relationship of the SAW Coatings Composition with the Composition of Fluxes Obtained with Steel Slag and Rice Husk Ashes: Relationship of the SAW Coatings Composition with the Composition of Fluxes Obtained with Steel Slag and Rice Husk Ashes”, Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 44(2), pp. 117-126. doi: 10.22209/rt.v44n2a06.
Artículos de Investigación