Benefits of Corporate Volunteering for Human Resources management

  • Oscar Daniel Licandro
  • Stefanía Yapor
  • Patricia Correa
Keywords: corporate volunteering, human resources, benefits, corporate social responsibility


This document identifies the benefits of Corporate Volunteering for the management of Human Resources present in the scientific literature, they are organized into three categories (development of skills in employees, strengthening the link between them and the company, creating conditions that improve its performance) and the results of an investigation are presented, which had as objectives: a) to verify the occurrence of these benefits; b) determine if it depends on structural factors of the companies (size, sector of activity and origin of capital) and on factors related to volunteer management. It worked with a non-probabilistic sample of companies that apply volunteering in Uruguay, to which a structured questionnaire was applied that included eight indicators on benefits. It was found, through statistical tests, that the eight benefits are present in the experience of the companies studied and that their occurrence is independent of the profile of the companies, the way in which volunteering is managed in them and the alignment of volunteer activities with Human Resources policies.

Author Biographies

Oscar Daniel Licandro

Doctor en Administración (Universidad Católica Argentina). Coordina la Cátedra de Responsabilidad Social de las Organizaciones, Universidad CLAEH, Uruguay. Integra el comité científico de la International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing y del Journal of Business (U. del Pacífico). Integra el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de Uruguay. E-mail ORCID:

Stefanía Yapor

nvestigador Asociado al Departamento de Administración y Finanzas, Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Licenciada en Sociología, Magister en Estudios Organizacionales. E-mail: ORCID ID

Patricia Correa

Docente e investigador del Departamento de Administración y Finanzas, Universidad Católica del Uruguay. E-mail: ORCID ID


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How to Cite
Licandro, O. D., Yapor, S., & Correa, P. (2021). Benefits of Corporate Volunteering for Human Resources management. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 26(93), 227-244.

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