The central ideas in Ellen Key's work: from evolutionism to the holiness of generation

The central ideas in Ellen Key's work: from evolutionism to the holiness of generation

  • Juan RUBIO-MAYORAL Universidad de Sevilla, España
  • Carmen SANCHIDRIÁN BLANCO Universidad de Málaga, España
Keywords: Ellen Key, childhood, motherhood, evolutionism, individualism


This article analyses fundamental ideas of the thought of Ellen Key through her two most important works, The Century of the Child and Love and Marriage. Along with them, the theories on which they are based; the principles that explain them, and the processes for children upbringing are discussed. Her approaches reflect the complexity of her little known thought, which seldom changed throughout her lifetime. Both Key and some of her ideas were highly controversial at her time. Her contributions to the feminist movement and to the childhood history continue to be debated.

Author Biographies

Juan RUBIO-MAYORAL, Universidad de Sevilla, España





Carmen SANCHIDRIÁN BLANCO, Universidad de Málaga, España






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How to Cite
RUBIO-MAYORAL, J., & SANCHIDRIÁN BLANCO, C. (2021). The central ideas in Ellen Key’s work: from evolutionism to the holiness of generation: The central ideas in Ellen Key’s work: from evolutionism to the holiness of generation. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 27(96), e5787179. Retrieved from