Semiotics in the age of disruptive innovations

  • S. SURAPONGSE University of Technology Phra Nakhon Bangkok, Thailand




The state of signs and language is unstable. As it is fluid, it must present itself freely without intermittent barriers. The change in disruptive innovation is a key factor in making sign language / fluent language no longer static or frozen, so that we cannot separate truth from falsehood, real things from illusions, and freedom from confusion. Disruptive innovation makes digital concepts replace analog ones, making possible the dualistic approach of signs in the development of software processing.



El estado de los signos y el lenguaje es inestable. Al ser fluido debe presentarse libremente sin barreras intermitentes. El cambio en la innovación disruptiva es un factor clave para que el lenguaje de señas / lenguaje fluido, ya no sea estático o congelado, de modo que no podamos separar la verdad de la falsedad, las cosas reales de las ilusiones y la libertad de la confusión. La innovación disruptiva hace que los conceptos digitales reemplacen a los analógicos, lo que hace posible el enfoque dualista de los signos en el desarrollo del procesamiento del software.

Author Biography

S. SURAPONGSE, University of Technology Phra Nakhon Bangkok, Thailand
He has experience in the fields of communication theories, communication administration, political communication, theory and practice of research methodology, philosophy of sciences, postmodernism, as well as message with its meaning. He was a fellow at Chinese Cultural University at Taipei, a research scholar at the University of Michigan (Ann Abor) and Tokyo University (Hongo). He got many rewards such as a senior research scholar in a couple of sessions of TRF, the most national outstanding lecturer in the field of humanities and arts, etc.


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How to Cite
SURAPONGSE, S. (2020). Semiotics in the age of disruptive innovations. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 314-324. Retrieved from