Role of the government in social capital development in Indonesia

  • A. BAKRI PUTRA Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government University of Utara Malaysia
  • M. SURAJI Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government University of Utara Malaysia
  • M.A EMBI College of Law, Government and International Studies University of Utara Malaysia
Palabras clave: Development of solutions, Government, Regulation, Social capital. / Capital social, Desarrollo de soluciones, Gobierno, Regulación.




Social capital development is now the main strategy for social and economic development in Indonesia. This focus is expected to enhance the capacity of the nation. However, the development of social capital in most Indonesian regions is still considered inadequate. Previous research found a lack of trust in society in most regions in Indonesia. Other studies found that inadequate social capital had caused problems related to insecurity and drug abuse in some regions. These insecurity issues have given rise to other problems, such as poverty, decreasing levels of health, and anxiety.



El desarrollo del capital social es ahora la principal estrategia para el desarrollo social y económico en Indonesia. Se espera que este enfoque mejore la capacidad de la nación. Sin embargo, el desarrollo del capital social en la mayoría de las regiones de Indonesia todavía se considera inadecuado. Otros estudios encontraron que el capital social inadecuado había causado problemas relacionados con la inseguridad y el abuso de drogas en algunas regiones. Estos problemas de inseguridad han dado lugar a otros problemas, como la pobreza, la disminución de los niveles de salud y la ansiedad.

Biografía del autor/a

A. BAKRI PUTRA, Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government University of Utara Malaysia

Ahmad Bakri Putra: is a successful businessman figure who cares about education. Concern for the world of education to be involved in educational programs in the border and remote areas of Indonesia. Armed with a Bachelor of Engineering at Trisakti University, a Masters in MBA at New Haven University in the USA, and is currently pursuing a Pd at North Malaysia University. Active in the organization of the business world that is the board of the Central Kadin, Central HIPMI, and active in the political world that is the Central Board of Research and Development Board of the Golkar Party. Active also became a team of experts at the Matapena Institute, a research and empowerment institute.

M. SURAJI, Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government University of Utara Malaysia
Suraji: was a santri who had studied at the Futuhiyyah Islamic Boarding School Mranggen Demak in Central Java, the Islamic Boarding School in East Java, and the Sunan Pandanaran, Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta, then continued his undergraduate program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Continuing in UGM public administration graduated in 2006. Currently, the author is in the process of taking a PhD program at the University of North Malaysia. At present, he is a permanent lecturer at Hangtuah University in Surabaya, teaches at UNAS Jakarta, STIAMI Jakarta, has been the Head of Public Administration at STIAMI Jakarta, teaches at Bakri University and STPN Yogyakarta, becomes Assistant Researcher Prof. Muhamad Ali Embi (Professor of North Malaysia University), has served as Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Proklamasi University Yogyakarta, Researcher Staff of PSKK UGM in West Papua, has been an Expert Staff of DPD RI 2004-2019, currently still being an Expert Staff of the DPR RI since 2019 until now, the Executive Director of the Matapena Institute, as well as actively writing in several journals, books, and articles in various media.
M.A EMBI, College of Law, Government and International Studies University of Utara Malaysia
Profesor Muhamad Ali Embi: is a renowned scientist in the fields of public policy, government, management, and the public sector at the University of North Malaysia. The name beliua is well known among Malaysian academics and the Malaysian Kingdom environment because of his analysis and views which are often used as a reference for royal policy. Education He is a Bachelor of Public Administration (Hons) graduated in 1992 at Universiti Utara Malaysia. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) Los Angeles graduated in 1995, and the PhD (Public Administration) of Universiti Sains Malaysia graduated in 2004 and the Professional Achievement Degree in 2014. Currently, his busy schedule is teaching, research, writing book, being a speaker at home and abroad, and guiding P.hD program students at the University of North Malaysia. Prof. Muhamad Ali Embi is an Indonesian who understands well about cultures, languages, religious issues, and Indonesian government policies.


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Cómo citar
BAKRI PUTRA, A., SURAJI, M., & EMBI, M. (2020). Role of the government in social capital development in Indonesia. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 167-174. Recuperado a partir de