Ethics in medical decision making: an intercultural outlook




In the climate of globalization, the choice dilemma is complicated by ethical conflicts that exist in multicultural contexts. This article investigates the capacity criteria across cultures and the boundaries of delegating responsibility for the patient's health to other people. The attitude towards euthanasia was taken as a marker to trace differences. Statistical analysis of euthanasia acceptability in 2017 involved Western civilizations, according to Huntington. The analysis showed a high prevalence of euthanasia in the Netherlands (48%) and the lowest prevalence in the United States (2%) and Canada (2%). Religious beliefs have a direct effect on ethics in decision making.



En el clima de globalización, el dilema de elección se complica por los conflictos éticos que existen en contextos multiculturales. Este artículo investiga los criterios de capacidad entre culturas y los límites de delegar la responsabilidad de la salud del paciente a otras personas. La actitud hacia la eutanasia se tomó como un marcador para rastrear las diferencias. El análisis estadístico de la aceptabilidad de la eutanasia en 2017 involucró a las civilizaciones occidentales según Huntington. El análisis mostró una alta prevalencia de eutanasia en los Países Bajos (48%) y la prevalencia más baja en los Estados Unidos (2%) y Canadá (2%). Las creencias religiosas tienen un efecto directo sobre la ética en la toma de decisiones.

Author Biographies

A.V BERESTOVA, First Moscow State Medical University

Anna Berestova lives in Moscow, Russian Federation. She is a Сandidate of medical Sciences and has professional medical education. She works as an associate professor at Department of pathological anatomy of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and has professional medical education. The research interests of the author are clinical pathologies of different organs, morbid anatomy. A recent study of the author is “Some Aspects of Resistance to Insulin”.

S. A. ORLOV, First Moscow State Medical University

Sergey Orlov lives in Moscow, Russian Federation. Sergey is an assistant of the department at Institute of Leadership and Health management of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The research interests of the author are health organization and public health.

R. V GORENKOV, First Moscow State Medical University

Roman Gorenkov is from Moscow, Russian Federation. Roman is a M.D. Нe works as a Professor at the High School of Health Management of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The research interests of the author are organization of medical care, prevention of non-communicable diseases, occupational medicine, ecology, internal illnesses. A recent study of the author is “Juvenile depression treatment with antidepressants from the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors group”

V. P. STAROSTIN, Yakut state agricultural Academy

Vladimir Starostin lives in Yakutsk, Russian Federation. Vladimir is a Candidate of philosophy. He works as an associate professor at the Department of Social and humanitarian disciplines of Yakut state agricultural Academy. The research interests of the author are teaching philosophy, formation of civic culture of the local community. A recent study of the author is “Problems and Experience of Teaching Philosophy in a Nonhumanitarian University”


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How to Cite
BERESTOVA, A., ORLOV, S. A., GORENKOV, R. V., & STAROSTIN, V. P. (2019). Ethics in medical decision making: an intercultural outlook. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 144-151. Retrieved from