Personal characteristics of the young people in a difficult life situation

  • Ekaterina S. Ignatova Perm State University, Perm, Russia
  • Elena D. Suslova Center for comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people, Perm, Russia
  • Angelica A. Bazueva Center for children left without parental care, Perm, Russia


The article is aimed at investigating the personal characteristics of the young people who face a difficult life situation. Buss-Durkee questionnaire, Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale and the techniques of detecting the levels of subjective feelings of loneliness of D. Russell and M. Ferguson are applied in this research. As a result, the persons with disabilities manifest comparatively higher levels of aggressiveness, anxiety and loneliness than healthy people. As a conclusion, the idea of the dialogicality of society, provides a possibility to form a constructive interaction experience in communication. Its effectiveness increases through the use of the integrative approach
How to Cite
Ignatova, E. S., Suslova, E. D., & Bazueva, A. A. (2019). Personal characteristics of the young people in a difficult life situation. Opción, 34, 706-722. Retrieved from