Stress, Anguish, Anxiety and Resilience of University Teachers in the Face of Covid-19

  • Walther Hernán CASIMIRO URCOS National University of Education, Peru
  • Consuelo Nora CASIMIRO URCOS National University of Education, Peru
  • Enrique Alejandro BARBACHÁN RUALES National University of Education, Peru
  • Javier Francisco CASIMIRO URCOS Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima - Perú
Palabras clave: Social isolation, Covid-19, emotional state, resilience. / Aislamiento social, estado emocional, resiliencia.



Social isolation, which is a measure imposed due to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, it significantly affects people's mental health. The objective was to determine the emotional states of university teachers in the face of Covid-19. Stress showed a high level of 89.4%; anxiety, with a high level of 94.2%; anxiety with a high level of 92.3%. Regarding resilience, this was manifested at a medium-high level with 60.9% of those surveyed. In conclusion, the emotional state of most of the teachers is low and their response through their resilience is medium-high.


El aislamiento social, que es una medida impuesta debido a las consecuencias de la pandemia del Covid-19, afecta de un modo considerable la salud mental de las personas. El objetivo fue determinar los estados emocionales de los docentes universitarios frente al Covid-19. El estrés manifestó un nivel alto en el 89,4%; la angustia, con un nivel alto del 94,2%; la ansiedad con un nivel alto del 92,3%. Respecto a la resiliencia, esta se manifestó en un nivel medio-alto con un 60,9% de los encuestados. Se concluye que el estado emocional de la mayoría de los docentes es bajo y su respuesta a través de su resiliencia es medio-alto.

Biografía del autor/a

Walther Hernán CASIMIRO URCOS, National University of Education, Peru
Doctor of Educational Sciences. Master in University Teaching, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Electronic Engineering. Postdoctor in Scientific Research. Quantitative and Qualitative research data processing specialist. Research line: Methodology and Didactics of scientific research. Referee in international and national magazines. Research Professor -Renacyt. E-mail: ORCID: Scopus Author ID: 57199651878
Consuelo Nora CASIMIRO URCOS, National University of Education, Peru
Doctor of Educational Sciences. Specialist in certification of Professional Skills by SINEACE. Post-doctorate in Qualitative Research and Research Didactics. Author of pedagogical training texts such as University Didactics, Theory of design and project formulations, Games for children of education starts among others. Research Professor -Renacyt. E-mail: ORCID: http: 0000-0003-4630-3528. Scopus Author ID: 57210390902
Enrique Alejandro BARBACHÁN RUALES, National University of Education, Peru
Doctor of Educational Sciences. Postdoctor in Diachronic and Synchronous Research Systems, Postdoctor in Qualitative Research. Degree in Education from the National University of Education (Peru). Professor in the Department of Metalworking at the National University of Education Enrique Guzmán y Valle. E-Mail ORCID: Scopus Author ID: 57201736131
Javier Francisco CASIMIRO URCOS, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima - Perú
Doctor of Educational Sciences. Full-time professor of the chair of research methodology at the Norbert Wiener Private University. Postdoctoral in Diachronic and Synchronous Research. Research Professor by Renacyt. E-mail: ORCID http: 0000-0001-5372-2582. Scopus Author ID: 57199654168


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Cómo citar
CASIMIRO URCOS, W. H., CASIMIRO URCOS, C. N., BARBACHÁN RUALES, E. A., & CASIMIRO URCOS, J. F. (2020). Stress, Anguish, Anxiety and Resilience of University Teachers in the Face of Covid-19. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 453-464. Recuperado a partir de