Students Civic Activity: Information and Communication Approach

  • A.V FAKHRUTDINOVA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • I.V TERENTYEVA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • I.V GAIDAMASHKO Moscow State Regional University. Russia
  • N.V MAKLAKOVA Kazan Federal University Kazan, Russia
Palabras clave: Civic Activism, civic consciousness, civic education, communication, information. / Activismo cívico, comunicación, conciencia cívica, educación cívica, información.




The paper analyses the relevance of the problem and the normative acts connected with developing students civic activity and defines the role of the information and communication approach in the process of developing it. The article surveys the studies devoted to the issues of civic development, civic consciousness, civic activity and examines the key notions of the research (civic consciousness, civic education, civic activity, socialization, communication, information, etc.). It is shown that information interaction promotes civic socialization of the individual.  Social involvement expresses the student's level of civic engagement.



El documento analiza la relevancia del problema y los actos normativos relacionados con el desarrollo de la actividad cívica de los estudiantes y define el papel del enfoque de información y comunicación en el proceso de desarrollo. El artículo examina los estudios dedicados a los temas de desarrollo cívico, conciencia cívica, actividad cívica y examina las nociones clave de la investigación (conciencia cívica, educación cívica, actividad cívica, socialización, comunicación, información, etc.). Se muestra que la interacción de la información promueve la socialización cívica del individuo. La participación social expresa el nivel de compromiso cívico del estudiante.

Biografía del autor/a

A.V FAKHRUTDINOVA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
Anastasia V. Fakhrutdinova: Department of foreign languages, Institute of International Relatons, Kazan Federal University. In 1996 she graduated from Kazan state pedagogical University, faculty of foreign languages, In 2001  defended her kandidatstaja thesis, in 2012 PhD (Education). Graduate of the Fulbright program (2009), deals with the problems of education of students, issues of organized socio-cultural environment, сivic, moral, aesthetic education. Member of the editorial Board of 4 scientific journals, organizer and head of a number of student competitions and projects in which participate more than 8000 students annually, expert on work with gifted youth (University of Talents, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) has more than 100 published articles.
I.V TERENTYEVA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
Irina V. Terentyeva: Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogics), Professor, Department of International Relations, World Politics and Diplomacy, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University. In 2001, she defended her PhD thesis and later, in 2010, her doctoral dissertation "Public administration of higher education". His research interests include public administration in education, various aspects of communication technologies, negotiation processes, public diplomacy, and information and analytical work. A member of a dissertation defense board, an organizer and leader of a number of educational youth projects (e.g., School of Leadership, School of Public Diplomacy, etc.), in which more than 300 university students participate annually. She is an expert of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan and has over 220 published articles.
I.V GAIDAMASHKO, Moscow State Regional University. Russia
Igor V. Gaidamashko: Doctor of psychology, Department of Labor Psychology and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Moscow State Regional University. I. V. Gaidamashko graduated with honors from the Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of the Missile Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov in 1985. In 2005 he also graduated with honors from the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration, defended his PhD dissertation in 2004, and defended the doctoral dissertation in psychology in 2009. He is engaged in research of the problem of managing educational organizations, formation of heads of educational organizations, quality assurance of educational work, and psychological support of engineering education. A member of the editorial board of 2 scientific journals. Takes an active part in the work of the Councils for the defense of theses for the degree of candidate of science and for the doctoral degree in psychology. Scientific advisor of 4 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations.
N.V MAKLAKOVA, Kazan Federal University Kazan, Russia
Natalia V. Maklakova: PhD in Pedagogics. Ass. Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University Kazan, Russia. Lectures and seminars in Methods of Teaching English, Basics of Translation, Pedagogical Ethics, as well as English language tutorials. Research interests: Methods of Teaching English, Theory and Practice of Translation


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Cómo citar
FAKHRUTDINOVA, A., TERENTYEVA, I., GAIDAMASHKO, I., & MAKLAKOVA, N. (2020). Students Civic Activity: Information and Communication Approach. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 289-295. Recuperado a partir de