Contemporary Politics in Latin America: Anti-Political Bolsonaro’s Speech

  • L.E. ILIKOVA Kazan Federal University
  • Á.A. KOCHKIN Kazan Federal University
Palabras clave: Brazil, Bolsonaro, democracy, ideology. / Brasil, democracia, ideología.




This article analyses the contemporary political processes in Brazil, especially the process of reframing the expression “to play politics". Authors examine the subjects involved in this process of political changes, the relationship between politics, democracy, and the concept of a democratic State of law. As the president, Bolsonaro is a considerable actor in politics in all Latin America, not only in Brazil, a special attention is made to his activity and public political discourse.



Este artículo analiza los procesos políticos contemporáneos en Brasil, especialmente el proceso de reformular la expresión "jugar a la política". Los autores examinan los temas involucrados en este proceso de cambios políticos, la relación entre política, democracia y el concepto de un Estado de derecho democrático. Como el presidente Bolsonaro es un actor considerable de política en toda América Latina, no solo Brasil, se presta especial atención a su actividad y discurso político público.

Biografía del autor/a

L.E. ILIKOVA, Kazan Federal University
Lilia Ilikova is currently an Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the Institute of International Relations of Kazan Federal University. She graduated as a specialist in Sociology at Kazan University and then continued her postgraduate study at Kazan State University and Milan Catholic University.  She later received her Ph.D. in Sociology at Kazan University with the Ph.D. thesis on Nationalism studies that is the main research interest. She has research experience with other research institutes such as Algarve University (Portugal), Giessen University (Germany). Her most recent research projects are “Ethno-cultural branding of Tatarstan Republic” and “Anti-immigration discourse of right-wing politicians (on Italian “League” example). She is author of 1 book, 3 monographs, number of articles, and conference papers. She is a member of the PRIA program (Program of dissemination of Italian language in Russia) and a member of the working expert's group “Migration Taskforce” of the “Peterburger Dialog” International Forum.
Á.A. KOCHKIN, Kazan Federal University

Alefe Aprigio Kochkin is a teacher at the Department of European languages and cultures of the Institute of International Relations. He is graduated from the University Of San Paulo Brazil. His competency is linguistic discourse and international relations between Russia and Brazil.


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Cómo citar
ILIKOVA, L., & KOCHKIN, Á.A. (2020). Contemporary Politics in Latin America: Anti-Political Bolsonaro’s Speech. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 264-269. Recuperado a partir de