English education for student in globalization era: teacher´s perspective in Jabodetabek

  • S. PURNAMA Indraprastha PGRI University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • H. NASUTION Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • M. YANHAR University of Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • R. RISWANTO Institute Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • S. HARTINAH University of Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia
  • S. FITRI University of Muhammadiyah Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Palabras clave: English Education, Globalization, Students, Teacher´s Perspective. / Educación en Inglés, Estudiantes, Globalización, Perspectiva de los Docentes.




This study examines the perspectives of English teachers in the Jabodetabek area on improving the English proficiency of students in the region. The data used in this study are data collected through a questionnaire answered by 201 English teachers in the Jabodetabek area. The analysis shows that more than 50% of teachers stated that they strongly agree on five components: namely improving teacher quality (76.1%), the role and guidance of parents (63.2 %), providing motivation to students (62.2%), innovative learning methods and supporting tools (61.7%), and the support of all parties in their application in the school environment (58.2%).



Este estudio examina las perspectivas de los profesores de inglés en el área de Jabodetabek. Los datos utilizados en este estudio son datos recopilados a través de un cuestionario contestado por 201 profesores de inglés en el área de Jabodetabek. El análisis muestra que más del 50% de los docentes declararon estar de acuerdo en cinco componentes: mejorar la calidad del docente (76.1%), orientación de los padres (63.2%), proporcionar motivación a los estudiantes (62.2%), métodos de aprendizaje innovadores (61.7%) y el apoyo de todas las partes en su aplicación en el entorno escolar (58.2%).

Biografía del autor/a

S. PURNAMA, Indraprastha PGRI University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Syahfitri Purnama is the English Education Lecturer of Indraprastha PGRI University (main employee). Her research focuses on teacher behavior in language as the implementation of character-based education in English education. Affiliation is Language of Education, Indraprastha PGRI University, and Jakarta, Indonesia.

H. NASUTION, Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia

His research focuses on teacher behavior in language as the implementation of character-based education in Education, and the teaching methodology, knowledge of the subject matter, etc. Husni Nasution‘s Affiliation is Lecture of Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

M. YANHAR, University of Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Muhammad Rafiq Yanhar‘s research focuses on teacher behavior in language as the implementation of character-based education in Education, and the teaching methodology, knowledge of the subject matter, etc.. His Affiliation is Lecturer Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.

R. RISWANTO, Institute Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu, Indonesia

Riswanto’s research focuses on teacher behavior in language as the implementation of character-based education in Education, and Setting challenging goals for learning, making expectations clear both orally and in writing, setting consequences for non-completion of work, and Encouraging students to write and speak well. His affiliation is Lecturer at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu, Indonesia.

S. HARTINAH, University of Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia

Her research focuses on the behavior of principals and teachers in improving their performance in Tegal Central Java, the application of competency-based performance. Affiliation: Management of Education in the Department of Guidance and Counseling FKIP Universitas Pancasakti, Tegal, Central Java 52121, Indonesia.

S. FITRI, University of Muhammadiyah Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Her research focuses on EFL Methodology, Second language acquisition, and EFL Textbook evaluation and development, setting consequences for non-completion of work, and Encouraging students to write and speak well. Her Affiliation is Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, Indonesia.


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Cómo citar
PURNAMA, S., NASUTION, H., YANHAR, M., RISWANTO, R., HARTINAH, S., & FITRI, S. (2020). English education for student in globalization era: teacher´s perspective in Jabodetabek. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 413-421. Recuperado a partir de https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33551