Surabaya tourism management in colonial period (1906-1945)

Palabras clave: VTV, Surabaya, tourist attraction, dynamics of tourism.




VTV was a national tourism organization formed in 1908 to promote and organize tourism activities in the Dutch East Indies, with Batavia as its headquarter. The results of the analysis explained that Surabaya was not only a tourist destination but also a tourist sender. Main tourist objects were often visited by tourists with various backgrounds such as researchers, students, officials, and government employees. The dynamics of Surabaya's tourism were heavily influenced by major events such as the Great Depression in 1930 and World War II.


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Cómo citar
PUSPANINGRUM, A., NILZAM ALY, M., BAYU WIJANARKO, N., & EDI SUHARNO, N. (2020). Surabaya tourism management in colonial period (1906-1945). Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 297-302. Recuperado a partir de