Linear programming for electrical energy generation power plant: An economic optimization approach

Palabras clave: Electricity production, linear programming, optimum generation, POM software




This paper studies how to determine a combined path of an optimum electricity production activity using the Linear Programming method. According to Linear Programming, an optimum generation pattern is influenced by the demand factor, production capacity, raw material stock, operational cost, and efficiency of every unit.  With an optimum combination of those aspects, the need for raw materials for each operating unit will be found out; therefore, a continuous and steady supply of raw materials can be maintained, and eventually, an optimum electrical energy-generating process finally results.


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Cómo citar
SUKONO, S., SUPIAN, S., LESMANA, E., SAPUTRA, J., NUGRAHA, B., & BIN BON, A. (2020). Linear programming for electrical energy generation power plant: An economic optimization approach. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 144-159. Recuperado a partir de