Implementation of Gamification Strategies to Improve Autonomous Learning in Agroindustrial Engineering Students

Keywords: Learning, educational strategies, agribusiness, online learning, educational game


The objective of the study was to evaluate the implementation of gamification strategies to improve autonomous learning in Agroindustrial Engineering students, at a public university in Lima-Peru. The materials and methods indicate that the study was basic, with a quantitative approach, non-experimental design and correlational scope. The population was 179 students of the eighth cycle of Agroindustrial Engineering. A probabilistic sampling was carried out, which yielded 104 students. To measure gamification strategies and their dimensions: dynamics, mechanics and components, a questionnaire with 21 items and five response alternatives was used. To measure autonomous learning and its dimensions: personal, institutional and didactic, a questionnaire with 20 items and five response options was used. The results of the descriptive analysis indicate that 49.0% and 50.0% of the students perceive a medium level in gamification strategies and autonomous learning, respectively. The findings of the inferential study reveal that gamification strategies are associated with the autonomous learning of Agroindustrial Engineering students, with p-value <0.005. Likewise, gamification strategies are associated with the personal, institutional and didactic dimensions of autonomous learning.


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Author Biography

Roberto Carlos Dávila Morán, Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Junin, Perú.

Docente. Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Junin, Perú.


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How to Cite
Dávila Morán, R. C. (2023). Implementation of Gamification Strategies to Improve Autonomous Learning in Agroindustrial Engineering Students. Journal of the University of Zulia , 15(42), 504-520.