Weaving Institutional Efforts Around Educational Coexistence. The Reasons for the Draft Law for Peaceful School Coexistence

Keywords: Human rights, school coexistence, psychosocial integrity, personality development, protection of human dignity


This investigation is based on a documentary review, whose purpose is to specify the reasons for the Draft Law for Peaceful School Coexistence, in addition to the contributions inherent to the actions of the educational community, the institutional apparatus of the State, society and the family, in its role of actors on whom the responsibility falls to guarantee the protection of human dignity, the safeguarding of psychosocial integrity and the creation of positive scenarios in which the culture of peace, justice, the common good and tolerance prevail, as requirements on which the exercise of global citizenship and effective participation within the social context is based. The final reflections revolve around the following aspects: articulated and coordinated action, cooperative work and synergistic proceeding from the sense of co-responsibility, constitute protection factors from which to transform not only the educational scenario but also social conditions. based on mutual recognition, which results in the achievement of the ideals of peaceful coexistence; which to consolidate require intercultural education, values and human rights.


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Author Biography

Jesús Morales, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.

Politólogo y Docente de Psicología General y Orientación Educativa. Investigador Socioeducativo Emérito. Árbitro en revistas nacionales e internacionales. Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Morales, J. (2023). Weaving Institutional Efforts Around Educational Coexistence. The Reasons for the Draft Law for Peaceful School Coexistence. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(41), 692-709. https://doi.org/10.46925//rdluz.41.39