Development of a Digital Platform for Autonomous Reading of the English Language Using the Literal Comprehension Technique

Keywords: Literal comprehension, autonomous reading, Laravel, Database, english


This article proposes the creation of a digital platform as a contribution to the process of teaching and learning to read in English. The purpose is to keep track of the autonomous reading activity through the technique of literal comprehension that the teacher uses in his chair. This web system was developed using the PHP programming language and the Laravel Framework, with the MVC design pattern, and the MySQL database was used. The Cascade Methodology was used for the realization of this software. The interview carried out with the coordinator and teacher of the English area and the survey applied to the students of the University of Guayaquil, evidenced the need to manage a web system to reinforce the literal reading level in the students.


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How to Cite
Zapata – Vega, S., Tejada Castro, M. I., Samaniego Orrala, J. A., Peñafiel Cox, M. F., & Guerrero –Zambrano, E. (2023). Development of a Digital Platform for Autonomous Reading of the English Language Using the Literal Comprehension Technique. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(41), 555-566.