Ethics and quality of the educational service from the perspective of the university student

  • Yelitza Silva Doctorate Program in Education. National Experimental University "Rafael María Baralt" (UNERMB). Maracaibo - Venezuela. Teacher - Researcher. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. University of Zulia. Maracaibo - Venezuela
  • Jorge Fuenmayor Doctorate Program in Education. National Experimental University "Rafael María Baralt" (UNERMB). Maracaibo - Venezuela. Teacher - Researcher. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. University of Zulia. Maracaibo - Venezuela
  • Alí Ramones Doctorate Program in Education. National Experimental University "Rafael María Baralt" (UNERMB). Maracaibo - Venezuela. Teacher - Researcher. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. University of Zulia. Maracaibo - Venezuela
Keywords: Ethics, quality of service, university student.


The purpose of this article was to conduct a theoretical review on ethics and the quality of educational service from the perspective of the university student. For this purpose, authors such as Lago et al. (2013), Inguillay et al. (2020), González (2005) and Botina et al. (2022) were used as a basis, as they were considered relevant to the selected categories. Likewise, from the methodological point of view, the type of research was documentary with a bibliographic design. The literature of the aforementioned authors was selected as the unit of analysis. authors was selected as the unit of analysis. Likewise, the information analysis technique was triangulation, in order to find convergent and divergent elements among the authors' positions. Finally, as a result, theoretical constructs were obtained where it was evidenced that ethics is related to the quality of the educational service, since, through the adequate execution of the administrative and academic processes within the universities, it is possible to guarantee the provision of an adequate service at the university. the provision of an adequate service within the framework of the demands of the environment.


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How to Cite
Silva, Y., Fuenmayor, J., & Ramones, A. (2023). Ethics and quality of the educational service from the perspective of the university student. REDIELUZ, 13(2), 117-125.