Development of competences and critical thinking in students of the curricular unit instrumental analysis by means of open educational resources

  • Cristina Uzcátegui School of Medicine, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo-Venezuela
  • Xiomara Arrieta Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of Zulia, Maracaibo-Venezuela
  • Luz Maritza Reyes Council for Scientific, Humanistic and Technological Development of the Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo-Venezuela
Keywords: Open educational resources, critical thinking, teaching and learning, instrumental analysis


Competency-based education should not be understood as a fashion or pedagogical trend; it is a complex process that must be assumed with responsibility and dedication on the part of all educational actors, with the ultimate goal that students face the curricular contents through novel problematic situations and build knowledge from conceptual, procedural and attitudinal aspects, making use of didactic strategies that involve information and communication technologies, whether face-to-face or at a distance. The objective of this work was to propose teaching and learning strategies for the development of competencies and critical thinking in the curricular unit Instrumental Analysis through the use of Open Educational Resources. This subject is part of the Department of Chemistry, School of Bioanalysis, School of Medicine, University of Zulia. A documentary design was used, with descriptive scope, performing an analysis of digital resources for its adequate implementation in the classes. It is emphasized that the use of these resources, previously evaluated by the teacher, will create conditions for students to learn through interaction with them, to reflect and value their potential in specific activities of the subject and in the solution of practical problems, aimed at contributing to the development of competencies and critical thinking to achieve the objectives of the course.


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How to Cite
Uzcátegui, C., Arrieta, X., & Reyes, L. M. (2023). Development of competences and critical thinking in students of the curricular unit instrumental analysis by means of open educational resources. REDIELUZ, 13(2), 107-116.