pregnant adolescents from a community in ecuador. presence of a smoking and alcoholic habit

  • Gorozabel Alarcón Jacqueline Maribel Technical University of Manabí
  • Solorzano Hortencia Manuelita Technical University of Manabí
  • Delgado Gorozabel Carlos Josué Portoviejo Specialties Hospital
  • Quimiz Moreira Mauricio Alexander
Keywords: Adolescents, Pregnant, Alcohol, obacco, Ecuador


Adolescent pregnancy carries important sexual, reproductive, psychological and social health risks. The objective was to analyze the characteristics of pregnant adolescents (PA) and the presence of smoking and alcohol abuse in a community in Ecuador. Forty-five pregnant women attended at the Colón Health Center, Manabí province (2019), were studied. Sociodemographic data were collected (chronological and gestational age, origin, marital status, level of education, number of pregnancies, tobacco and alcohol consumption in the last 12 months). Alcohol and tobacco metabolites were also determined in urine. There was a predominance of late adolescents (17 to 21 years), the average age was 16.93 ± 1.67 years, 95.56% were primigravid and 97.78% were in the second trimester of gestation, 82.22% were from rural areas, 84.22% were students of higher education and high school. The 28.89% showed positivity for tobacco and alcohol metabolites, which in turn presented the greatest morbidity in the mother and the newborn. It is advisable to implement strategies aimed at reducing adolescent pregnancy and the use of drugs, licit or illicit, due to the effect they have on maternal and fetal health.


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How to Cite
Jacqueline Maribel, G. A., Hortencia Manuelita, S., Carlos Josué, D. G., & Mauricio Alexander, Q. M. (2023). pregnant adolescents from a community in ecuador. presence of a smoking and alcoholic habit. REDIELUZ, 13(2), 91-98.