Evaluation of compliance with biosafety standards in nursing interns at a hospital in Manabí

  • Cristhian Castaño Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro, of Manabí. Ecuador
  • José Matute Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro, of Manabí. Ecuador
  • Mercedes Vera Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro, of Manabí. Ecuador
  • Armando Bailon Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro, of Manabí. Ecuador
Keywords: Biosafety, risk, occupational safety, nursing interns


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), biosafety is a strategic and integrated approach to analyze and manage risks relevant to life, health and the environment in order to ensure, control and prevent accidents caused by biological, physical, mechanical and chemical agents. They are established to provide safety to personnel, patients and users. For this reason, the objective was to evaluate compliance with biosafety standards among nursing interns in a hospital in the province of Manabí. The methodology was descriptive and cross-sectional, with a non-experimental quantitative approach. The study is framed in a positivist paradigm, quantitative with a descriptive approach. The bibliographic, analysis, synthesis and historical-logical method was used. For the processing of the information, the statistical method was applied by means of the SPSS software. V.25. The population consisted of 40 nursing interns of the hospital under study. The instrument used to collect information on the level of knowledge of biosafety standards was a survey validated by expert judgment and an observation form adapted from Barrios, and the results showed that despite adequate compliance and application of biosafety standards, there are still deficiencies in some aspects such as hand washing before performing procedures involving contact with bodily fluids.


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How to Cite
Castaño, C., Matute, J., Vera, M., & Bailon, A. (2023). Evaluation of compliance with biosafety standards in nursing interns at a hospital in Manabí. REDIELUZ, 13(2), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.5281/10433799