Research management: an opportunity for growth

  • Dayver Melean Student Coordinator of REDIELUZ
Keywords: growth, opportunity, management


Currently, our universities require innovation both in their resources and in research, which will allow them to enhance their academic objectives and thus obtain their desired institutional positioning. Knowledge management,
is what allows connecting the essence of being a university student with the objectives of the institution and being a manager in research from undergraduate studies is closely related to the ability to learn, critical-reflective thinking, leadership, among other qualities that allow developing research skills that make a difference among students in terms of capacity for scientific work. Within the university student population there is a lack of awareness of the scope that can be achieved within their academic training by entering the world of research and at the same time promoting knowledge management, which is why it is necessary to create spaces of agreement that allow overcoming the isolated experiences that have disarticulated professional training, research and citizen action, with significant impact on the insertion of the graduate in the labor market.


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How to Cite
Melean, D. (2023). Research management: an opportunity for growth. REDIELUZ, 13(2), 9-10.