• William A. Argüello Montilla Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)
  • Yasmarily Ch. Tinedo Garcia Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)
  • William J. Argüello Caldera Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)
Keywords: Epistemological history of didactics, Cognitive learning, Teaching strategies


Didactics, like any teaching science, maintains its historical epistemological evolution; in which cognitive teaching-learning strategies are resources, procedures, methods, techniques, activities, hence the teacher and students consciously organize actions to build and achieve educational goals, adapting to the needs of the participants of the meaningful way. The general objective of this study was to study the historical epistemological evolution of didactics to be taught and learned; through cognitive teaching-learning strategies. By the teachers of the didactic seminar of the learning processes of mathematics; belonging to the Postgraduate Didactics of Mathematics offered by the Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University. The research was theoretically supported by the approaches of: Chevallard (1997 c.p. Pagotto, 2018). Diaz (2002). Dávila (1998 c.p González, 2008), among others. The investigation was documentary. With a historical and evolutionary research design. After applying the didactic strategies to the 21 teachers, they manifested an understanding of the explained topic; which has allowed them to know the historical epistemological journey of the origin and construction of the definition of didactics; which refers to a set of strategic, holistic, complex and transcomplex actions, carried out by the facilitator for the integration of teaching.


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Author Biographies

William A. Argüello Montilla, Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)

Postdoctoral in educational sciences, Postdoctoral specialization in educational psychology. Dr. in Education. MSc. in Financial Management. Atty. in Education with a mention in Mathematics and Physics. Economist. Atty. in Administration with a mention in Industrial Management. T.S.U. in Hydrocarbons mention Petroleum. Professor and Researcher at the Rafal María National Experimental University

Yasmarily Ch. Tinedo Garcia, Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)

Postdoctoral in Education. Doctor in Education. MSc. in Higher Education, Lcda. in Biology and Chemistry. Professor and Researcher at the Rafal María Baralt National Experimental University. 

William J. Argüello Caldera, Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)

Bachelor's degree in customs administration


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How to Cite
Argüello Montilla, W. A., Tinedo Garcia, Y. C., & Argüello Caldera, W. J. (2024). HISTORICAL EPISTEMOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF DIDACTICS. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 19(2), 94-115. Retrieved from https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/rafg/article/view/41600