Ecology for Whom? Deep Ecology and the Death of Anthropocentrism

  • Orlando José Ferrer Montaño Universidad del Zulia, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología


Deep Ecology arises as a new perception to visualize the inexorable changes that humanity currently confronts. This new scientificphilosophical-religious approach claims for a new treatment for the Earth. However, this new eco-centered approach transcends the limit of any particular science of today, and claims that simple reforms are not sufficient. Deep Ecology calls for a reduction of human population and change to our high-energy consumption and profligate resource use. Anthropocentrism should be substituted by ecocentrism; a shift from anthropos, the human, to eco, the Earth. Although I amnot an advocated to Deep Ecology, in this paper I present a series of thoughts endorsing some of the Deep Ecology”™s claims. I argue that deep ecological thinking and actions, together with a better use of our scientific, economic and natural resources will add for a better and lasting global world.

Cómo citar
Ferrer Montaño, O. J. (1). Ecology for Whom? Deep Ecology and the Death of Anthropocentrism. Opción, 22(50). Recuperado a partir de