Digital educational content in foreign language education

  • Sholpan Zhubanova, Khalel Agnur, Daniyarova Gulmira Dalelkhankyzy Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Teacher of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan, Almaty
Palabras clave: Digital educational content, Digital educational resources, Virtual learning environment, Personal learning network.


The paper reviews recent investigations in digital foreign language education in preparation of professionally competent specialists having knowledge-based and language skills in the specialty and digital skills in using multimedia educational technologies. We identified basic sub-competences that forms professional intercultural competence of students in digital learning format. Besides, it is presented some digital methodological components (spheres, topics, subtopics, stages, a set of web-based interactive exercises) that form multimedia tutorial in educational platform TurboSite, using virtual learning environment and personal learning network. The author described multimedia/digital exercises and gave some samples, which are used in experimental part of the scientific thesis.
Cómo citar
Daniyarova Gulmira Dalelkhankyzy, S. Z. K. A. (2020). Digital educational content in foreign language education. Opción, 36, 524-550. Recuperado a partir de