Civil-Patriotic education of students in the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Maira Jilkishiyeva, Gulbakhyt Zhumabekova Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, Taraz, Republic of Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: Citizenship Education, Civil-Patriotic Education.


In this research, we developed a concept of civil-patriotic education of student's youth in conditions of modern multinational state based on the concept of a comprehensive program. In experimental work involved 460 students of 1-4 courses of study, of which 198 girls and 262 boys. Comparing the control and experimental groups showed the effectiveness of the developed program in raising the level of civil-patriotic education of youth, and the pedagogical observation of the behavior and the organization of educational and practical activities of students from the experimental group is elaborated on these results.
Cómo citar
Gulbakhyt Zhumabekova, M. J. (2019). Civil-Patriotic education of students in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Opción, 34(86-2). Recuperado a partir de