The sources of modern linguistics terminological apparatus

  • Arustamyan D.V., Gurtskaya S.B., Drozdova E.A., Shuiskaya Yu.V., Myltseva M. V. Russian University of Peoples Friendship, Institute of Foreign Languages. Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 9
Palabras clave: optionality, language dinamics, language variants.


In the paper by optionalitywe mean a speech modification functioning in the language, manifested in a peculiar deviation within the norm, which exists alongside with the codified literary obligatory variant in certain linguistic and extralinguistic conditions. The functional-dynamic method is one of the main methods we used in here. For the analysis of faculty, an attempt is made to use the studied parameters of such a linguistic phenomenon as variance. Thus, we suppose that the phenomenon of optionality is basically associated with the processes of changes in linguistic systems and is a factor in the dynamics of linguistic development.
Cómo citar
Shuiskaya Yu.V., Myltseva M. V., A. D. G. S. D. E. (2019). The sources of modern linguistics terminological apparatus. Opción, 34, 949-962. Recuperado a partir de
Filosofía y Ciencias del Lenguaje