Ethnic traditions and general civil universals as components of everyday social practices

  • Anna Aleksandrovna Bespalova, Yuliya Sergeevna Panfilova The Institute of Sociology and Area Studies of Southern Federal University, Rostov-On-Don, Russia
  • Galina Igorevna Chikarova The South Russian Branch of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-On-Don, Russia
Palabras clave: Everyday, Social, Practices, Ethnic, Behavior


The aim of the study is to investigate ethnic traditions and general civil universals as components of everyday social practices of the population of the South of Russia via sociological research method. As a result, the use of the national language in the education system is more significant for the townspeople of the region under consideration. The authors came to the conclusion that today the ethnocultural axiological component is represented in everyday social practices to a lesser extent than the general civil one.
Cómo citar
Yuliya Sergeevna Panfilova, A. A. B., & Chikarova, G. I. (2019). Ethnic traditions and general civil universals as components of everyday social practices. Opción, 35, 1489-1506. Recuperado a partir de