Superhero Movie: Breaking the challenges of topics in the modern epos

  • Kamila Akim L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
  • Georgy Kara-Murza Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Natalya Saenko Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Agung Suharyanto Universitas Medan Area, Medan, Indonesia
  • Dilovar Kalimullin Kazan state institute of culture, Kazan, Russian Federation
Palabras clave: Superhero, Movie, Modern Epic, Marvel.


The purpose of this study is to determine whether the collective unconscious always has irrational fears or unconsciousness - the most rational actor in modern times via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, mythological consciousness creates the image of a protector and in this image there is an immanent image of the threat from which a little person wants to find a protector. In conclusion, when viewer forget the current heroes and love others, fundamentally others, this will mean that tectonic shifts have occurred again in the public consciousness and new times come.
Cómo citar
Akim, K., Kara-Murza, G., Saenko, N., Suharyanto, A., & Kalimullin, D. (2019). Superhero Movie: Breaking the challenges of topics in the modern epos. Opción, 35, 1221-1236. Recuperado a partir de