Muftis of European Russia and Siberia in the late XVIII-early XXI centuries

  • Aidar Yurievich Khabutdinov, Marina Maratovna Imasheva, Rail Ravilovich Fahrutdinov Kazan Federal University, Russia, 420008, Kazan, Kremlevskaya, 18, Marina M. Imasheva, Kazan, Kremlevskaya, 18, 420008, Russian Federation
  • Mariam Rifgatevna Yafyasova, Aidar Nilovich Youzeev Kazan Federal university, Russia, 420008, Kazan, Kremlevskaya, 18, Marina M. Imasheva, Kazan, Kremlevskaya, 18, 420008, Russian
Palabras clave: Pierre, Bourdieu, Islam, religious, capital


The purpose of the article is to understand the mechanisms of the formation of the Muslim elite at the level of the Mufti Institute in the conditions of the growing importance of the Islamic factor in Russia via the methods of institutional analysis, problem and comparative history. As a result, the Russian Muftis both in the Imperial and in the modern period sought not only to secure this position for a lifetime, but also to transfer it by inheritance. In conclusion, in the post-Soviet period, we see that the post of Mufti can again provide economic capital.
Cómo citar
Rail Ravilovich Fahrutdinov, A. Y. K. M. M. I., & Aidar Nilovich Youzeev, M. R. Y. (2019). Muftis of European Russia and Siberia in the late XVIII-early XXI centuries. Opción, 35, 469-482. Recuperado a partir de