Formation of Civil Activity at School children teenagers in the Process of Out-Of-Class Activity

  • Babur Rakhimov1, Kundyz Uteyeva2, Ulzharkyn Аbdigapbarova3, Aigerim Baikulova4, Dinara Sadirbekova5. 1SILKWAY International University, Chimkent, Kazakhstan. 2-3 Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 4Taraz State Pedagogigal University, Taraz. Kazakhstan 5Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: Teenagers, Civil Activity, Formation, School


The aim of the study is to investigate the formation of civil
activity at schoolchildren-teenagers in the process of out-of-class
activity via methods of mathematical statistics and graphic
representation of results. As a result, the school has to be the most
important institute of upbringing and education of younger generation,
so exactly in these conditions, it has a special role in formation and

development of the Kazakhstan patriotism. In conclusion, civil activity
of schoolchildren is the integral component of process of all-round
development of the personality, result of socialization of the individual
in the context of his national revival.

Cómo citar
Aigerim Baikulova4, Dinara Sadirbekova5.B. R. K. U. U. А. (2019). Formation of Civil Activity at School children teenagers in the Process of Out-Of-Class Activity. Opción, 35(89), 773-792. Recuperado a partir de