Deciding on the most suitable teaching method in the mathematics classroom

  • Hamdi Serin Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq
Palabras clave: Teaching, mathematics, teachers, methods, techniques.


In this research conducted with 35 mathematics teachers
selected by stratified co-probative sampling method, the use of
teaching methods/approaches and techniques that mathematics
teachers used in their lectures were examined and tried to determine
their opinions about the application in mathematics teaching. As a
result, most of the mathematics teachers who participated in the
research do not use games, case studies and problem-solving. In
conclusion, the work of observing and rearranging the curriculum
should be based on the mental and physically active participation of
the students in the mathematics learning process

Cómo citar
Serin, H. (2019). Deciding on the most suitable teaching method in the mathematics classroom. Opción, 35(89), 271-288. Recuperado a partir de