Reading in the experience biographies in Arabic and Malay poetry

  • Nafea hammad Mohammed Tikrit University, Iraq
  • Siham Hasan Gawad Samara University, Iraq
Palabras clave: Experience Biographies, Arabic, Malay, Poetry.


The research aims to comparing the poetic biography in Arabic
poetry and Malay poetry to the importance of this literary genre.
Research follows the method of analytical approach in the analysis of
self-dimensions and reading their approaches in the poetic text in a
flexible coordinate tool. As a result, the Arab poet Ibrahim Nasrallah
and the Malaysian poet Abdul Aziz Darman poets always resort to the
retrieval of the past and experience. In conclusion, the spirit of writing
in this framework reveals to us a social, intellectual and human mind
enjoyed by the Arab and Malay personality.

Cómo citar
Mohammed, N. hammad, & Gawad, S. H. (2019). Reading in the experience biographies in Arabic and Malay poetry. Opción, 34(1), 1198-1222. Recuperado a partir de