Modern management practices of cultural policy in a regional cluster

  • E.M. Akulich, L. G. Szkulmovskaya, L.V. Shatskih, A. S. Plyachotko Tyumen State Institute of Culture, Address: 19 Respubliki Str., 625003 Tyumen, Russian Federation
Palabras clave: Regional Cluster, Practices, Engagement, Modernization.


The research objective is to develop methodological provisions for increasing the cultural and art institutions’ efficiency in terms of their exposure to the social-economic development of a regional cluster via the systemic method, the dialectic method, comparative-historical method and structural-functional analysis. The results of the study lie in the disclosure of the essential characteristics of modern practices of managing cultural policy in the context of a regional cluster. In conclusion, modern socio-cultural practices of the regional cultural policies management can effectively influence positive achievements in the socio-economic development of the region.
Cómo citar
A. S. Plyachotko, E. A. L. G. S. L. S. (2019). Modern management practices of cultural policy in a regional cluster. Opción, 34(1), 698-719. Recuperado a partir de