Concert repertoire as a precondition for performance competence formation of music educator

  • Meleshkina Elena Anatolievna Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, department of sociology and philosophy of culture, Russian State Social University (RSSU).
  • Ovsyannikova Vera Alexandrovna Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, department of arts and artistic creation, Russian State Social University (RSSU).
  • Trifanova Vera Petrovna Lecturer, department of arts and artistic creation, Russian State Social University (RSSU).
  • Tsilinko Alexandr Petrovich Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, department of arts and artistic creation, Russian State Social University (RSSU).
  • Maria Arkadievna Smirnova Lecturer, department of arts and artistic creation, Russian State Social University (RSSU).
Palabras clave: Pedagogy, repertoire, musician, performance, competence


This article examines teaching, pedagogical and concert repertoire as a precondition for performance competence formation of music educator, as well as defines the repertoire aims, tasks, and selection criteria via the method of comparing the role of suggestion and explanation in the process of music’s education. As a result, repertoire plays an important role in acquiring technical skills and competence by singers or instrumentalists and in forming the performing culture of the future music educator. In conclusion, the repertoire is the most important comprehensive component of musical and performing training.
Cómo citar
Anatolievna, M. E., Vera Alexandrovna, O., Vera Petrovna, T., Alexandr Petrovich, T., & Smirnova, M. A. (2019). Concert repertoire as a precondition for performance competence formation of music educator. Opción, 34(1), 249-274. Recuperado a partir de