Freedom of pedagogical activity: Contradictions and their solutions

  • L. Вazyl Academic Secretary of the Institute for Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 03045, Ukraine Kyiv, Lane Vito Lithuania, 98th +380677468374
  • M. Klymenko The department Philosophy and pedagogy National Transport University, Mikhail Omeljanovicha -Pavlenko street, 1, 02000, Ukraine, Kyiv
  • V. Orlov Senior Research Fellow of Professional Career Laboratory of the Institute for Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 03045, Ukraine Kyiv, Lane Vito Lithuania, 98th
Palabras clave: Elementary School, Vocational, Pedagogical Activity


The aim of the study is to investigate contradictions of freedom of pedagogical activity and their solutions via theoretical analysis and logical generalization as a method. As a result, the goal-orientation stage in the transformation of vocational and pedagogical activities is conditioned by the presence of value barriers in the definition of targeted guidance on the personal formation of junior pupils. In conclusion, the catalyst for ensuring the pedagogical freedom of the elementary school teacher should be the self-replenishment of its own capabilities and resources to solve educational problems.
Cómo citar
ВazylL., Klymenko, M., & Orlov, V. (2019). Freedom of pedagogical activity: Contradictions and their solutions. Opción, 35, 307-331. Recuperado a partir de