Representations of Masculinities in Steven Spielberg”™s Film Text War of the Worlds

  • José Díaz-Cuesta
Palabras clave: War of the Worlds, Steven Spielberg, masculinities, film analysis, stardom studies.


This article follows the four sites Pat Kirkham and Janet Thumin propose in order to study the representation of masculinities in film: the body, action, the external world and the internal world. These sites are applied to Steven Spielberg”™s War of the Worlds. The body of the main male protagonist belongs to a well-known star shown in working-class clothes. One of his most highlighted actions is to be metaphorically reborn. His external world relies on his role as a father, and his internal world asks the question “to what extent can you go to save your family, country or planet?”

Cómo citar
Díaz-Cuesta, J. (2015). Representations of Masculinities in Steven Spielberg”™s Film Text War of the Worlds. Opción, 31(1). Recuperado a partir de