Memory, anecdote and nostalgia in the narrative of Teresa de la Parra

  • Javier Meneses Linares Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: History, fiction, memory, anecdot, nostalgia


This paper is the result of a research project attached to the Center for Historical Studies entitled: Literature written by Venezuelan women: between history, memory and nostalgia. For this article we have chosen the writing work of one of the most representative female voices of Venezuelan literature, without a doubt Teresa de la Parra marks with her narrative a before and an after in the works written by Venezuelan women. His dream-laden narrative is also a picture of Venezuela and Europe that he lived through. Her female characters respond to a condition and to a time where women have a very specific role within Venezuelan society and culture that are going to bang loudly with the voice of our writer. With two important works: Memorias de mamá Blanca and Ifigenia, Teresa de la Parra shows us how memory, anecdote and nostalgia merge masterfully so that history and fiction coexist in the novel


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Author Biography

Javier Meneses Linares, Universidad del Zulia

Licenciado en Letras. Magister en Literatura Venezolana y Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialista en Literatura escrita por mujeres, estudios posdoctorales en Ciencias Humanas. Crítico Literario, con publicaciones en revistas arbitradas a nivel nacional e internacional. Fundador de las revistas Situarte de la Facultad Experimental de Arte de la Universidad del Zulia, Académica, revista de la Escuela de Educación de la FHE de LUZ. Editor de revistas científicas. Profesor Titular de la Universidad del Zulia


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How to Cite
Meneses Linares, J. (2024). Memory, anecdote and nostalgia in the narrative of Teresa de la Parra. Omnia, 28(2), 77-89. Retrieved from