Analytical perspective of qualitative research and its main methods

  • Wileidy Coromoto Morle Portillo Unidad Educativa Nacional “Antiguo Aeropuerto
Keywords: Analytical perspective, qualitative research, main methods, phenomenology-hermeneutics, grounded theory


The objective of this research is to analyze the concept of qualitative research as a way of exploring human phenomena, through a vision of man and his way of interacting with the world, as well as its main methods: phenomenological - hermeneutical, grounded theory, symbolic interactionism and action research - action. The theoretical proposals of Finol and Franco (2022), Finol and Vera (2020), Finol and Camacho (2008), Martínez (1996), Valles (2003), were taken into account, a documentary analysis was carried out, where the selection, comparison and differentiation was carried out. The results obtained allowed the elaboration of a graph that shows the globalized characteristics of qualitative research, a comparative table of the application of the phenomenological - hermeneutical method, and a table that shows the definition and main characteristics of grounded theory, symbolic interactionism and research - action.  This work is based on the development of investigative skills.


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Author Biography

Wileidy Coromoto Morle Portillo , Unidad Educativa Nacional “Antiguo Aeropuerto

Licenciada en Educación especial / Dificultades del aprendizaje. Magister en Orientación Educativa. Docente de aula integrada en la Unidad Educativa Nacional “Antiguo Aeropuerto”. Punto Fijo – Venezuela


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How to Cite
Morle Portillo , W. C. (2024). Analytical perspective of qualitative research and its main methods. Omnia, 28(2), 22-40. Retrieved from