The role of coping competence of the individual in the implementation of the rehabilitation process

Keywords: Personal proactivity, Coping-competence, Coping-mechanisms, Rehabilitation commitment, Psychological diagnostics, Psychological rehabilitation


The aim was to examine psychological characteristics of a person suffering from disabling conditions (including characteristics of commitment to rehabilitation and patients’ coping strategies). One of the crucial resources ensuring a person’s psychological proactivity is a so-called coping competence, i.e. a person’s conscious ability by adaptive ways to deal with tough life situations. The study was conducted in the Federal Bureau of the Medical and Social Assessment of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Russian Federation in 2015-2018 and was based on a sample of patients (n = 510 persons) with the basic disabling condition. The examination was conducted in different life situations: medical inspection and in-patient medico-social rehabilitation course. They were uniform in terms of their main clinic-demographic and social characteristics of patients (gender, age, marital and educational status, nosological entity, the severity and duration of a disease, except for the statistically reliable discrepancy in the employment status). The Heim's coping mechanism scales (L. Wassermann) and Assessment of the Rehabilitation Commitment (ARC) (E.V. Morozova) were used in the course of the study. The results obtained characterize the specificity of rehabilitation commitment and coping competence, both being patients’ psychological proactivity in different groups studied. The study of psychological indicators in groups of persons of different attitude towards disability status revealed psychological mechanisms for different patterns of rehabilitation commitment. On the part of the group of persons not identifying themselves as being disabled the study revealed a well-formed coping-competence involving primarily patients’ use of adaptive coping-strategies without any negative emotional responses


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How to Cite
Morozova , E., Senkevich , L., Yulina , G., Kartashev , V., Rybakova , A., & Tsygankova , M. (2023). The role of coping competence of the individual in the implementation of the rehabilitation process. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 13(2), 256-268.