Management processes for organizational culture in educational institutions

  • Miguel Hernández Institución Educativa Leonidas Acuña. Valledupar.
  • Nair Hincapie Institución Educativa Distrital Beatriz Gutiérrez de Vives. Santa Marta
  • Julia Barrios Institución Educativa Hugo J. Bermúdez. Santa Marta
Keywords: Management processes;, organizational culture;, educational institutions;, Valledupar;, Colombia


The purpose of this article is to analyze management processes for organizational culture in educational institutions. It was based on the authors as: Chiavenato (2009), Robbins (2006), Davis and Newstron (2003), Shein (2008), Benis (2006), Brunest (2006), among others. The research was of a descriptive type with a non-experimental, transectional field design; the population was integrated by five (5) managers and sixty-seven (67) teachers of Enrique Pupo Martínez educational institutions and the May First Mixed Headquarters of Valledupar - Colombia. The technique to collect the information was the survey and as an instrument the structured questionnaire with 60 items and the analysis categories always, almost always, sometimes, almost never and never; its validity was carried out through five (5) experts and the reliability was obtained under the Alpha Cronbach index of 0.9672. The processing of the data was done using the descriptive statistics of relative frequencies. It was concluded that managers almost always follow the phases of managerial processes characterized by innovation, creativity with a cyclical nature.ith the theories, and according to the results, the studied variable was located in a moderate presence. It is suggested that teachers should reinforce the application of the same, linking them with ICT in order to train relevant future computer professionals.


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How to Cite
Hernández, M., Hincapie, N., & Barrios, J. (2018). Management processes for organizational culture in educational institutions. Impacto Científico, 13(2), 273-296. Retrieved from