The incorporation of subjectivity in the planning process of marketing

  • Erick Murillo
  • Marcia Villavicencio
  • Frida Bohórquez
Keywords: Marketing;, subjectivity;, digital economy;, planning


The changes that occur in the economic and technological impact in a meaningful way
the subjectivities in the behavior of the consumer, hence the strategies of the marketing
are disconnected and delocalized of its own action. In this scenario, subjectivity as well
as the elements inherent in the digital economy have acquired particular importance.
In this sense, analyzing the incorporation of subjectivity in the marketing planning
processes from the digital economy orients the critical reflection of the current literature on the
concepts and evolution of marketing, as it aspires to approach the Theoretical framework related to subjectivity in marketing strategies in the digital


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How to Cite
Murillo, E., Villavicencio, M., & Bohórquez, F. (2018). The incorporation of subjectivity in the planning process of marketing. Impacto Científico, 13(2), 189-205. Retrieved from