Students' perception of social entrepreneurship

  • Natalya Sergeevna Kireeva Commodity Science and Trade Faculty of the G. V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics
  • Dmitriy Vadimovich Zavyalov International Business School Department, G. V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.
  • Olga Vitalievna Saginova Romano-Germanic philology department, Voronezh State University
  • Nadezhda Borisovna Zavyalova Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, Computer science and automation department,
Palabras clave: entrepreneurship, students, information sources, university


The paper presents the results of an online survey among students of Russian universities. This survey showed that only 34.8% of respondents are familiar with the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, but the essence of social entrepreneurship is clear to everyone. Sources of information on social entrepreneurship are identified; the author's interpretation of the concept is given.


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Biografía del autor/a

Natalya Sergeevna Kireeva, Commodity Science and Trade Faculty of the G. V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics
PhD, educational background - Commodity Science and Trade Faculty of the G. V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, place of work - G. V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia; position - associate professor of entrepreneurship and logistics department.
Dmitriy Vadimovich Zavyalov, International Business School Department, G. V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.

PhD, educational background – International Business School Department, G. V. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, place of work – Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia, position – head of entrepreneurship and logistics department.

Olga Vitalievna Saginova, Romano-Germanic philology department, Voronezh State University

Doctor of Economics, educational background - Romano-Germanic philology department, Voronezh State University, place of work – Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, position –professor of entrepreneurship and logistics department, Russia.

Nadezhda Borisovna Zavyalova, Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, Computer science and automation department,
PhD, Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, Computer science and automation department, place of work - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, position – Leading Researcher, Science Laboratory “SAP Next-Gen Lab Plekhanov”.


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Cómo citar
Kireeva, N. S., Zavyalov, D. V., Saginova, O. V., & Zavyalova, N. B. (2019). Students’ perception of social entrepreneurship. Revista De La Universidad Del Zulia, 10(28), 200-210. Recuperado a partir de