Keywords: Teacher, processes, research, extension, projection, Society


This article makes a reflection on the teaching exercise, articulated to the missionary processes of research, extension and social projection, which constitutes a topic of great interest within the studies on the teaching profession and university life, the contrast between the image of the teacher and the missionary axes of the university, meditating on how to develop their ability to reflect on the reality of facilitating learning, the adaptation of the knowledge acquired in a predominantly theoretical and practical way, as well as the approach to the projection of the teaching exercise as a researcher that focuses on the appropriation of investigative skills, the conception of extension and social projection that reaches the relevance and effectiveness of the exercise of the university community committed to educational impact, through appropriate interaction with society in search of the sustainable development of human dignity.


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Author Biographies

Kleeder Bracho Pérez, University of Pamplona

Graduate in Education, Specialization in Pedagogical Sciences, Instructional Technology Area. Master Scientiarum in Educational Management. Doctor in Educational Sciences. Professor at the University of Pamplona - Colombia, Undergraduate and Postgraduate.

Jorge Escalona Linares, University of Pamplona

Professor in Special Education, Mention: Learning Difficulties. Specialist in Vocational and Occupational Guidance. Professor at the University of Pamplona - Colombia, Undergraduate and Postgraduate.


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How to Cite
Bracho Pérez, K., & Escalona Linares, J. (2024). PROJECTION OF THE TEACHING EXERCISE, ARTICULATED TO THE MISSIONARY PROCESSES OF RESEARCH, EXTENSION AND SOCIAL PROJECTION. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 18(1), 35-47. Retrieved from