• Juan Castro Albornoz The University of Zulia
Keywords: Systems of partial and total costing, Venezuelan metalworking companies, cost objects


This writing determines which costing systems are used by the studied 46 metalworking companies on the East Coast of the Maracaibo Lake (COL), through casual or incidental sampling (Parra, 2000, p. 21). This research determined that all metalworking companies must provide their customers, cost structures that involve all regular or routine items, which resemble total costing systems; however, all companies use partial absorption costing system, consistent with IASB-2, to specify the cost of sales indicated in the statement of income.  However, almost all companies use the cost system of the organic law of fair prices in their customers' quotes. Costing systems are considered to be main information systems to manage the cost objects, such as products, processes, departments and activities, which in turn allows to get an add value which promotes the company's profitability through cost management however, the 6.44% of the metalworking companies, use cost information to the purposes outlined above.


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Author Biography

Juan Castro Albornoz, The University of Zulia

Graduate in Public Accounting, Master in Business Management, Professor in Management and Cost Accounting at the University of Zulia and other educational entities


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Portada RFG No. 2   2018
How to Cite
Castro Albornoz, J. (2024). COSTING SYSTEMS USED IN METALMECHANICAL COMPANIES ON THE EASTERN COAST OF LAKE MARACAIBO. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 17(2), 116-129. Retrieved from