• Daliangy Colina Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)
  • Dalissy Salas The University of Zulia
Keywords: Public relations program plan, Corporate image, Hotel industry


The purpose of this article was to analyze the use of a public relations program plan for the projection of the corporate image in the hotel industry. The theoretical framework was based on the postulates of the authors Wilcox et al (2008), Capriotti (2013), Pintado and Sánchez (2013). The research was classified as descriptive and field, with a non-experimental, transectional design. The population was made up of 74 employees of Hotel América, C.A. and 203,438 inhabitants of the Lagunillas municipality, which was represented by 156 subjects, to whom stratified random sampling was applied. Observation by survey was used as a data collection technique, through two (2) questionnaires aimed at internal and external audiences. The instruments were validated through expert judgment. The stability coefficient method was applied, obtaining a coefficient of 0.87 and 0.81, considered very high. It was concluded that in the company there is a wrong perception on the part of its external public when inferring that the hotel is old and outdated. This lack of image projection is due to the lack of a public relations program plan.


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Author Biographies

Daliangy Colina, Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)

Doctorate in Education (UNERMB), Master in Human Resources Management (UNERMB), Speaker 58.105 (LUZ), MSc. in Marketing Management (URBE), Lcda. In Social Communication, mention: Advertising and Public Relations (URBE).

Dalissy Salas, The University of Zulia

Post Doctor in Organization Management (URBE), Doctor in Management Sciences (URBE), Master in Tax Management (URBE), Lcda. In Public Accounting (LUZ).


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How to Cite
Colina, D., & Salas, D. (2024). PUBLIC RELATIONS PROGRAM PLAN AS A STRATEGIC TOOL FOR THE PROJECTION OF THE CORPORATE IMAGE IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 19(2), 67-93. Retrieved from