Operational sequences for the development of quantitative and qualitative research

  • Mineira Finol de Franco Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Operational sequences, quantitative research, qualitative research, method, methodology., Operational sequences


The purpose of scientific research is to know and understand the social and natural reality and the thinking of the human being, in his daily work he formulates a number of questions and seeks to answer them based on his experience, beliefs, perceptions. The present research focused on interpreting the operational sequences for the development of quantitative and qualitative research. Theoretically, it was based on the position of the authors: Ortiz Cepeda (2015), Arias (2016), Hernández, et al (2014), Sandín (2003) among others. Methodologically, documentary research was applied through manifest and latent analysis. Quantitative research as a planned, systematized, organized process over time has taken over the production of scientific knowledge in the various areas of knowledge, in order to provide answers to the objectives, general hypothesis, null, alternatives, statistics according to the type of research. In the qualitative research process, the following phases are identified: Empirical-Methodological Phase, Theoretical Phase and Analytical Phase, emerging categories, subcategories, and properties.


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Author Biography

Mineira Finol de Franco, Universidad del Zulia

Doctora en Educación. Profesora titular de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela


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How to Cite
Finol de Franco, M. (2024). Operational sequences for the development of quantitative and qualitative research. Omnia, 27(2), 11-28. Retrieved from https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/omnia/article/view/41792