Apoyo normativo y jurídico a la reforma de la fiscalía en Ucrania en materia de responsabilidad social de las empresas

Palabras clave: Apoyo jurídico, normativo y legal, fuerzas del orden, fiscalía, responsabilidad social de la fiscalía, orientación social de la reforma de la fiscalía


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the level of effectiveness of the prosecutor's office reform and to identify problematic aspects through the prism of corporate social responsibility. Such factors as: the analysis of scientific work, the organization of the prosecutor's office activities at the current stage of development of Ukraine, the study of statistical data, data of sociological studies and the effectiveness of interaction of the law enforcement system, analysis of regulations and legal changes, which regulate the activities of the prosecutor's office in its retrospective allowed to form several conclusions: 1) The need to reform the prosecutor's office at the present stage is determined by public demand for the implementation of the rule of law and the protection of human and citizens' rights and freedoms; the need to fulfill the European integration obligations assumed by Ukraine; getting rid of outdated antidemocratic vestiges; 2) Among the main progressive transformations of the legal support of the activity of the Ukrainian prosecutor's office, it should be noted: deprivation of general supervisory powers, liquidation of investigative units, a significant limitation of representation in courts; creation of new bodies of prosecutorial self-government.


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Biografía del autor/a

Оlena Gulak, Universidad Nacional de Ciencias de la Vida y del Medio Ambiente de Ucrania, Kiev, Ucrania

Universidad Nacional de Ciencias de la Vida y del Medio Ambiente de Ucrania, Kiev, Ucrania

Spartak Pozniakov, Universidad Nacional Agraria de Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia, Ucrania

Universidad Nacional Agraria de Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia, Ucrania

Iuliia Iarmolenko, Universidad Nacional Agraria Bila Tserkva, Bila Tserkva, Ucrania

Universidad Nacional Agraria Bila Tserkva, Bila Tserkva, Ucrania

Pavlo Parkhomenko, Tribunal de Distrito de Bakhmatsky de la región de Chernihiv, Chernihiv, Ucrania

Tribunal de Distrito de Bakhmatsky de la región de Chernihiv, Chernihiv, Ucrania

Lidiia Sukmanovska, Universidad Estatal de Asuntos Internos de Lviv; Leópolis, Ucrania

Universidad Estatal de Asuntos Internos de Lviv; Leópolis, Ucrania


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Cómo citar
GulakО., Pozniakov, S., Iarmolenko, I., Parkhomenko, P., & Sukmanovska, L. (2023). Apoyo normativo y jurídico a la reforma de la fiscalía en Ucrania en materia de responsabilidad social de las empresas. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(1), 202-210. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10436645