Doublethink and Anomie: ethical and political context

Keywords: anomie, doublethink, Alasdair McIntyre, newspeak, ethical and political context


The objective of the study was the phenomenon of doublethinking as a special form of anomic thinking. Doublethinking leads to a distortion of the perception and appreciation of political reality, which is expressed in the inaccuracy of information about the surrounding world. In methodological terms, the ethical theory of Alasdair McIntyre and the idea of doublethinking of G. Orwell were used. This allows us to conclude that in our time there is a crisis of values, which consists in the simultaneous presence of two normative-value systems in the human mind. One of them is inherited by the idea of modern humanity from Christianity; the second, which is preferred by many, was created by utilitarianism. This makes it possible to formally recognize, in words, socially approved values, norms and objectives, while at the same time devaluing them in actions, replacing them with the principle of personal gain. As a result, a new political language is emerging newspeak. The desire for constructive public action, mutual help, respect, and altruism is replaced by corruption, hypocrisy, opportunism, the decline of professionalism and productivity, the negative selection of political elites.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir A. Kuzmenkov, Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov

Department of Social and Philosophical Disciplines of the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov, Oryol, 302027, st.Ignatova, 2, Russia.

Iryna Yu. Soina, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkov, 61058, St. Klochkovskaya, 99, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Kuzmenkov, V. A., & Soina, I. Y. (2021). Doublethink and Anomie: ethical and political context. Political Questions, 39(69), 261-272.
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