Acute pain and efficacy of Feline Grimace Scale in cats at the Medipet Veterinary Hospital

  • Fernando Paredes-Catota Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador - Hospital Veterinario MediPet. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
  • Edy Paul Castillo-Hidalgo Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
  • Olga Vanesa Almeida-Revelo Hospital Veterinario MediPet. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
  • Henrry Daniel Vilcacundo-Paredes Universidad UTE. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Keywords: Pain, cat, Grimace Scale, feline


Pain is an unpleasant sensation produced in response to a stimulus caused by various scenarios such as traumatic or pathological processes, which do not allow an adequate recovery of the patient. A population of ten felines with various clinical pictures was presented, which were measured with the Feline Grimace Scale and obtained a score between 0 to 5 out of 10 for the level of pain, once their score was evaluated, analgesia was administered. Each patient was measured a second time and as a result a significant decrease in pain between 12 to 40 % in their measurement scale, which allows to deduce that the treatment applied was adequate. The use of this scale allows tooffer better patient care in terms of pain recognition through objective quantification in order to have a clearer idea of their condition and thus be able to treat it according to their needs. With the population sample studied (n=10), a measurement scale between 0 to 5 was obtained out of 10 points of estimation of pain in the total of the sample of the population of cats included in the study, with scores from 4 to 10 being more frequent. 5 prior to administration of analgesia. In the present investigation it was possible to determine that acute pain is associated with multiple trauma, while intense pain is associated with neurological problems, foreign body obstruction, parasitosis and scheduled surgical procedures.


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How to Cite
Paredes-Catota F, Castillo-Hidalgo EP, Almeida-Revelo OV, Vilcacundo-Paredes HD. Acute pain and efficacy of Feline Grimace Scale in cats at the Medipet Veterinary Hospital. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2022Jun.12 [cited 2024May20];32:1-. Available from:
Veterinary Medicine