Hematologic and biochemical values in canines with Hyperadrenacorticism

  • Carlos Andrés Guevara-Inga Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
  • Nathalie Campos-Murillo Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
Keywords: Endocrinopathy, cushing, hypophysis-dependent, canine, dermatological


With the aim of characterizing the clinical picture in dogs suspected of hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), a study was carried out at the Mundo Animal Veterinary Clinic in the City of Puyo, Ecuador. It was selected 23 patients who presented more than 3 years of age, with signs of general dermopathies, undulating abdomen, polyuria and polydipsia. From the preliminary analyses (cortisolemia) allowed the formation of 2 groups of studies, group A (normal) whose Cortisol values were between 2 to 7.5 microgrames (ug) per deciliters (dL) made up of 7 individuals, and a pathological group (n=13) who also presented cortisol levels above 7.5 ug·dL-1. The clinical evolution of the animals was monitored, including hematology and biochemistry, which underwent a simple classification analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s exact test to evaluate the effect of age, size or weight, coexistence, sex and diet. The results obtained allowed to indicate that of the factors studied as predisposing to HAC, only the type of feeding turned out to be significant (P<0.02), with values of odds ratio, being that it turned out that dogs that consume balanced food present 10.67 more times of suffering from HAC than those that are fed with homemade food (88.9 vs 42.9 % cases). The blood count and blood chemistry confirmed the finding of increased values of mild leukocytosis (17.18·109·liters-1 [L], neutrophilia (14.30·109·L-1), thrombocytosis (664.12·109·L-1), as well as increased values of FOS (7.49 miligrams (mg)·dL-1) and GLU (126.92 mg·dL-1) in patients with HAC+. It is concluded that although HAC is a difficult pathology to diagnose, laboratory tests (blood count and blood chemistry) help in it and allow to differentiate these cases with other pathologies and guide the treatment to be followed for the recovery of the patient.


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How to Cite
Guevara-Inga CA, Campos-Murillo N. Hematologic and biochemical values in canines with Hyperadrenacorticism. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2022Jun.10 [cited 2024Jun.3];32:1-. Available from: https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cientifica/article/view/38244
Veterinary Medicine